Wristwarmers with hairpin lace

Third project for the Ravellenic Games 😀


Entered in the Mitten Medley event 🙂 Wristwarmers are allowed as long as they have thumb hole (they need to cover the palm and not just the wrist).


I was looking around on the web for cool things to do with hairpin lace, and I came across some cool wristwarmers on a blog. Sadly the woman didn’t have a pattern for hers (I asked), but I managed to make a similar pair anyway.

They are made with one strip of hairpin lace and the gray parts are crocheted out from the strip on both sides and then sewn together.


Finally I added an edge on the front to make them a little bit longer (and more colorful). Nice and comfy 🙂

Ravellenic Games!

Formerly known as the Ravellympics… The opening ceremony of the London Olympics is just about to start, so I’m sitting here with my yarn, crochet hooks and gimping tool, ready to go 🙂


Over the next couple of weeks, for the duration of the Olympic Games, Ravelry hosts a number of events that crafters participate in to make things. For some events we will start new projects, finish old ones, and even frog projects that will never happen. Find more info about the various events HERE.

I will be finishing up some things that I haven’t worked on for ages, using up some old yarn from my stash, and make a pair of wrist warmers. If there’s time, I will make some new amis for the Toy Toss event as well.

I will have kind of a slow start to my games, because most of my things are back at the apartment, and I won’t get there until some time next week. Also these games happen to end just around the time when school starts, so I can’t let the crafting take over completely. But this is a nice incentive to get things done and finish up some old WiPs.

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting quite excited 🙂

Distracted by crochet

I guess I was supposed to be finishing up some projects this summer, but I was distracted and went and tried a new craft again 😀 Well, not a new craft, exactly, but a new crochet technique. Hairpin lace 🙂 My aunt gave me a magazine page with intructions for hairpin lace, and of course I could not resist trying it. I was online to order some yarn for another project, and then I found this thing and had to order that too:


What do you even call this tool? “Hairpin lace tool” seems a bit awkward… In Norwegian we call it a “fork”, but I haven’t found a good name for it in English.

The technique is surprisingly simple. It’s basically a chain of single crochet stitches with loops wrapped around two rods. Very neat 🙂


First finished item:


Don’t know what it is yet… A bookmark, perhaps? The edge was made by chain stitches and a single crochet stitch into three loops at the same time. Very simple, but looks quite fancy 🙂 I imagine that you have lots of different ways to weave and twist the loops before crocheting them together, making lots of fancy patterns. Will definitely be experimenting more with this technique 🙂