On the move :)

We’ve moved! Just moved into a bigger apartment just a few days ago! It’s very exciting 🙂 My crafting has been on hold for a while now because it’s been packed away, and it will take some time to unpack and get it all organized, but I’m very much looking forward to get crocheting again in the new apartment. I’ve got a new rocking chair and everything 😀

And I just remembered that I haven’t shown you the Christmas gifts I made last year… I was going to post about them after they’d all been received, but then we started moving, quite suddenly, and it just got lost in the shuffle :/

First, a Christmas tree rug:

I crocheted snowflake hexes of pure wool and felted it gently to shrink it a little bit. Still a bit wobbly around the edges in the picture because I didn’t have time to iron it before I had to wrap it up, haha. I hadn’t expected it would take three days to dry! 😛

Second, I made three of these angels:

I had a plan to post the pattern for these, because they are actually pretty simple. I’ll try to remember to put the pattern up when I’m more settled in the new apartment 🙂

And lastly, I sewed a sleeve for my boyfriend’s laptop, using bits of old jeans and other fabric scraps:

With a zipper and lining and everything! I’m quite pleased with it 🙂

Hopefully I’ll have something new to post about in not too long 😀

A few Christmas presents

Since the holidays are over and all gifts have been received and opened, I can finally post about some things I made.

wpid-20141221_125351.jpgA very shiny owl 🙂 Made from this pattern (it’s in Swedish, but Google translate is your friend), with metallic silver yarn. I crocheted with two strands because the yarn is very thin, but it still became bigger than I thought it would.

wpid-20141221_125602.jpgwpid-20141221_125615.jpgCandle holder. I’ve seen a lot of people make these and I wanted to try it, but the varying size of the glass jars people use means that there aren’t really any pattern available. But I decided to try anyway, and it actually wasn’t very hard to make the pattern fit the jar. Maybe I’ll make more some time 🙂

wpid-20141224_161205.jpgAnd finally, a scarf. The pattern is called Spiral Staircase, and it’s free to download from Ravelry 🙂 I was actually knitting this for myself, but then my aunt saw me making it a few days before Christmas and really wanted it, so I decided to just give it to her. If I could just finish it first… My only chance of giving it to her without her noticing was to finish it before dinner on Christmas Eve, or it would be too late. So I knit like crazy that day, so much that my hands cramped up and my mother had to knit the last two rows for me because I just couldn’t. My aunt was peeling potatoes in the kitchen, so after the ends were woven in and a few quick photos taken, I snuck upstairs to wrap it. And then it was time to get dressed and set the table, so she didn’t notice that I wasn’t knitting anymore. Phew! I’m a knitting ninja 😀

wpid-20141224_161222.jpgPretty final edge with a row of holes.

I didn’t take any pictures of my aunt wearing it (and I wouldn’t want to post pics of her here on my blog anyway, at least not without her permission), so here’s what it looks like on me:


So now I need to make myself a new scarf… 😛

Bird’s nest


I made this cute little nest for Easter. I had some more decorations planned, but this was all I had time for.

I remember seeing something like this on a blog years ago, only made in wire. It was awesome, and I planned to make one for a long time, but then I lost the link and forgot about it.

Of course I couldn’t find my wire the day I did this, so I used some faux leather string I have for macrame, first in brown, then in green. It was wonky and weird and didn’t look much like a nest:


Then I used some tweed effect wool yarn to shape it and plug all the holes. And what do you know, it actually looks like a nest!

The eggs are beads in a weird iridescent lime green, so they’re hard to get proper pictures of. I wanted to get some blue ones instead, to make it look like a robin’s nest. Now it looks like this:

A little Christmas ornament :)

Feeling a bit under the weather today, or however the expression goes. Earlier I thought I was just hung over from yesterday’s wine, but now I’ve got a sore throat and I’m a little dizzy.. Hope I’m not coming down with the flu or anything, I don’t have time for that. I guess it’s just the post-exam thing (*knock knock*), you know, because I’ve been so anxious about the exam the last days, and now it’s all over and I’m relaxing again.
I have not began studying yet, as I should have done, instead I’ve made these cute little felt skates. You can find the pattern for them here 🙂
They should be a lot bigger, but I couldn’t find the right kind of paper clips that size or color (they should be rounded and silver), so I had to shrink the pattern a lot to make them fit a regular size paper clip. They’re so tiny (only 3cm tall!) I didn’t even need stuffing, I just used about 5cm of white scrap yarn 🙂 I really enjoyed making these, I realized that I miss making stuff of felt. I used to make lots of animals a few years ago, before I discovered knitting and crocheting, but now I haven’t done it for ages. I want to make a pink pair of skates, and then maybe some other Christmas ornaments 🙂